Wednesday 28 February 2018

CIBUS innovatively solving the Food Safety issues using Blockchain
The CIBUS ICO Token sale is on. (Image credits CIBUS ICO)
Anybody who has an allergy knows how important it is that the allergy info declared on a pack needs to be an accurate number. No guess-work. No estimates.

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous food processors are after profits. More than the safety of the consumer. This is not limited to the small players. Occasionally, mistakes occur in the supply chain and that is wont to bring almost life-threatening consequences to the unsuspecting consumers.

Blame it on profiteering.

Or mere recklessness and unethical competition.

But lives are endangered.

And people go to prison too late. After lives have been wasted and millions wasted in litigation.

It is not only allergy.

We all know the countless recalls that are reported every month because food products fail safety standards. Or problems are already reported by consumers and consumer watch organisations.

Those recalls are only addressing the symptoms. They are reactions to a failure in the process. Some which are due to human error. Others because of process collapse. Yet others because of clever analytical tools currently available to various agencies that monitor food safety.

There is the issue of denial and evasion of  responsibility by the culprits. Plus the culpability of the regulatory agencies in a number of countries. Meaning they can be hushed through bribery and other incentives. That usually leaves the hapless population without anywhere to run to. 

I have witnessed some of these first hand in Africa. Cases of dumping of sub-standard and unsafe agricultural products that could not pass the safety standards in their countries of origins are not uncommon. All one needs to do is to know the right guy to talk to in government and what was a waste product is suddenly a goldmine. Thus radioactive products have landed in some countries, exposing thousands of unsuspecting and hungry people to products that should never have been shipped, let alone offered for human consumption.

That is abetted by unscrupulous government officials whose only motivation is to get the cut and then corrupt records to give the contaminated products a clean bill of health.

This is not limited to imports. Even local agricultural products that fail mycotoxin tests are passed on as fit for human consumption. That has deleterious impact on consumer health.

Now that is almost coming to an end.

The one powerful enabler that is killing all that unprofessionalism is BLOCKCHAIN technology.

Take this as an incorruptible record-keeping process where the trail of papers that would usually disappear from government honchos are duplicated over several computers and stored in hundreds of thousands of ledgers. Corrupting one is invalid. Because the smart contract ensures that there is a threshhold of records, called ledgers, that must be corrupted in order to effect the malicious alteration and hide the asinine act.

Since that is not practically possible, there is integrity of records.

Those records include ingredients, ingredient origin, trace-ability, compositional data, producer details, shipping details, manufacturers details and product codes.

Those are humongous volumes of data.

The CIBUS Ecosystem (Image Credits CIBUS ICO)
Enter CIBUS. The application of the Blockchain technology is going beyond cryptocurrency. It is entering the supply chain and Food Chain. I call it "The Blockchain meets the Food Chain".

CIBUS is placed between the Seller and the buyer of the food. That cuts across the supply chain. It invades the food ecosystem. This ecosystem is more than buying and selling. It is more than warehousing. It is more than retail market and the production and distribution. This is everything about food. The food composition. The production process. The packaging and claims connected to food and supplements market. The regulatory environment. 


You may say from Farm-to-Fork.

This, if executed well, is powerful. It should create smart tools, including apps and access to QR Code databanks that enable data mining to extract and simplify data for the consumer. This makes the consumer foolproof in a way that the food industry has to wake up and realise the power is shifted to the consumer.

The Consumer if KING. 

For that is what it should be.

And this is enabled by the power of Blockchain when exploited by smart solutions like those being offered by CIBUS.

When this model is finally rolled out, the ecosystem shall also cover advertisement and marketing. Meaning that the consumer is empowered to monitor in realtime, the claims being made by food producers and countercheck that with the regulatory environment to ensure no frivolous claims are made with no basis in scientific fact.

The time to fool around with weasel claims and reckless marketeering may be coming to a screeching halt. 

This complexity can be simplified. CIBUS is offering a powerful panoply of tools to disambiguate the food ecosystem. The next big challenge is adoption. 

This is for the consumer. That consumer needs awareness of these tools and with open hands, must embrace technology to help unravel the "mystery" of food production.

If you find this information useful, please join those of us who have embraced the vision of CIBUS and let us make our food ecosystem consumer-friendly.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed herein are my own. I am NOT qualified to advise on financial investments. Investing in Crypto and ICOS is a risky affair. Only invest what you are ready to lose.

Monday 12 February 2018


I'm done with my first wave of ICO investments. They're:

  1. Swissborg (CHSB)
  2. Crypterium (CRPT)
  3. Lucyd
  4. LH-Crypto (LHCoin)
  5. Graft (GRFT)
  6. ATFS
  7. Copytrack (CPY)
  8. Faceter

Now I'm grabbing some Airdrops (free tokens distributed to supporters of an ICO because the private token sale bought all the tokens to enable the company meet the target without going for a public (crowd) sale:

  1. Coinvest
  2. Nucleus Vision
  3. CURRENT ICO supported by Mark Cuban

I'm also investing in these ICOs per my vote to stay with security, rather than utility, tokens. Though I mix. I'm heavily leaning towards security tokens. These are tokens that are more or less shareholding guarantees of the company.

I'm investing next in the following

  1. Coinvest
  2. Acorn
  3. Kepler Technologies
  4. Omnitude
  5. Friendz

Disclaimer: this is not financial advise. Investing in ICOs and crypto is a risky business. Only invest the money you can live without. Make your own personal decisions without relying on my, or any other person's, nudge.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

In image copyright, there's a Blockchain wrestling match between Kodak and German Copytrack

Image credits Copytrack
The internet has created things. And people. And it's liberalised everything. And imprisoned some things. In the dungeons of history.

The internet has also democratised our lives.

The internet never forgets.

It's an endless pit. Shadowing anything ever created by man.

The internet has made everybody a content creator. You're reading this because of the internet. Before today, you'd be reading my pieces in Kenyan dailies. In the Letters to the Editor section.

But I neither need an editor not a daily. This is the age of the internet.

Everybody has become a photojournalist. Yet those essays, pens, paintings, photos etc have ownership. Owners have rights. Enforceable, costly, complicated.

Let's talk photos and pictures. In the day of Instagram and Facebook and Pinterest you're talking about billions of pictures and photos being uploaded every day on the internet. Roughly 800 are posted on Instagram per second. More than 200,000 are uploaded on Facebook every minute.

They range from mundane everyday records of birthdays, weddings, funerals, sports, to photos of nature and disaster.
Those who post them don't know their rights.

Those of us who pick and use them, as I always do for my PowerPoint presentations, likely break the law because we infringe on copyright!

A sophisticated professional photographer like my friend in Munich, Dr Oehlmann may have the knowledge and wherewithal to pursue litigation against illegal users.

My villagemate in Kenya, Mwalimu Wilson Meli, who cherishes morning shots of happy bird chirping away at the early sunrise has no idea where his latest upload had ended! He posted it on Facebook. It was picked by a nature enthusiast in London and it suits as a screensaver on her laptop!

Enter Copytrack. And after that KodakOne.
Both buying for the lucrative but humongous market space. One more experienced. 

The other, sort of reinventing itself.

Copytrack has been in business fighting copyright infringement. It's an existing business. With active tools. Running after culprits and securing settlements.

Kodak missed the digital revolution. It wants not to miss the Blockchain Revolution.

Both are pitching tent in the latest technological muscle of the internet.

Copytrack seeks to expand, and speed up it's work while cutting costs.

They've decided to launch an ICO, the CopytrackICO.

As I've said before, I no longer buy cryptocrypto.

I invest in ICOs that are backed by real assets. Real business. Led by people with relevant skills.

That's why I find CopytrackICO persuasive. Because of the profiles of the team and the fact that they're already in business.

Investing in such a company allows me to share their vision. Their token becomes a form of share for me to be part of their dream. 

Makes me a kind of shareholder.

So in this image copyright space in sure Copytrack has the Usain Bolt headstart. With the overwhelming support from close to 10k members in their Telegram group and thousands more on Twitter and Facebook plus the Blockchain community, this team of typical German Mittelstandunternehmen (SME) is going to launch into space right in the hearts of the army of enthusiastic supporters. 

To many people, KodakOne is playing opportunistic in this entry. And they've their battle lines well drawn out for them!

May the photographers win with the best, and most carrying company that has a track record and depth of skill to cater for their needs.

I'm biased.

Disclaimer: This is no financial advise. Investing in ICOs and crypto is risky. Only invest what you're prepared to lose

Saturday 3 February 2018

Why I do not panic sell my crypto- I am invested in business ICOs

This is a very bad moment for CRYPTO. There's a general fall in the market of cryptocurrencies. It seems everyone is selling in panic. It's understandable.

If your investment is in coins only and your objective was to make the money, run baby run!

This year, for me, it's different.

I've invested in ICOs that are pushing real investments. Swissborg, Crypterium, CargoX, Faceter, Copytrack, Lucyd, LH-CRYPTO, Graft and ATFS. These are assets. They'd investments. These investments are like shareholding. They're more than coins.

If you invested in tokens that support investments and projects, you've no need to panic.

Your a shareholder

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