Friday, 29 December 2017

Ripple is blowing the roof on its way up!

In one of those days that you can call "a very good day", or as we say in Nandi "ya kaa ekta kieet goorgo", Ripple has been blowing the roof at eToro.

Already, by market capitalisation, it overtook Ethereum to place second behind Bitcoin.

Over Christmas, I invested some 200$. A short while ago, this is what I saw at eToro on my investment.

I'm smiling today!

Use this referral to get 20$ eToro:

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Join eToro via me and get US20$

If you've no idea about trading, sign up here and click on a trade (eg BTC or XRP) and read comments.

You can also follow experienced traders to check their investment choices.

Plus there's a feature called copy.

More like having your own stock broker for free! Join and observe first. Use this link below.

Good for you and I because we both earn USD 20!

Join now using this link

Simplified explanation on the concept of Blockchain

Einstein said if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it that well!

Watch on.

Monday, 25 December 2017

Blockchain explained in five levels

I love the way Bettina uses real people with different levels of knowledge level to explain Blockchain.

Watch on.

In my bid to collect resources that educate on Blockchain technology and the whole area of cryptocurrencies, I found this video very educative.

Watch on.

Just how does Bitcoin work?

I found a great explanation on how bitcoin works and I thinks it can help you too. Watch on

What is Bitcoin

Bitcoin was invented in 2009 by a person (or group) who called himself Satoshi Nakamoto. His stated goal was to create "a new electronic cash system" that was "completely decentralized with no server or central authority." 

After cultivating the concept and technology, in 2011, Nakamoto turned over the source code and domains to others in the Bitcoin community, and subsequently vanished.

Read more here

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Merry Christmas and happy and blessed 2018

You've been a blessing to me this year.
You've not told me a thing.
It you've asked me a question.
You've written something that I read.
It inspired. Challenged. Or simply filled my empty space. Or maybe you've not written, it commented on a post (and I got notified on my feed about it).
I'm blessed to have you as my connection. We are a professional family. Or perhaps family of professionals.
Whatever it is.
I wish to send warm and merry Christmas wishes for this year and a very blessed 2018.
I'm not ashamed to say merry Christmas.
Because I always tell my friends who are of Hindu faith "happy Diwali".
And I tell my friends who believe in Islam "happy Ramadan".
During those celebrations which are important to their faith.
So. As a believing Christian I don't choose some politically correct version like "happy holidays".
I'm not ashamed of the gospel of salvation.
And the birth of Jesus Christ is central to that believe.
So on his birthday I don't go general and ambiguous.
I go specific.
Merry Christmas everyone and I wish you a very blessed and successful 2018.
Christ is the Reason for the Season

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

If heroes were these I'd rather have none

The word hero has lost meaning.

In Kenya at least.

A hero, even without looking it up in a dictionary, means someone who denies self comfort even puts self in danger for the sake of others.

It includes those who have vision of a better life and who, knowing that the majority don't yet see it, go ahead with a tiny army to secure that better life.

They include liberators, independence warriors and economic liberators.

They don't include shameless land-grabbers, economic saboteurs, tribal puritanists and godfathers and godmothers of sleaze and social misfits who purchase goodwill using drug money.

They don't include drug dealers and sex pests. No.

Those liberators who end up sponsoring torture and persecution must be demoted from the hallowed pedestals of heroism. Those unflinching grabbers of public toilets and stadia must be depreciated.

They're nobody's role models.

That is why it's a vain effort to look for heroes in politics.

I'll reserve that honour to my ageing mother, Chemoso chebo Koisamoo.

She put herself in danger, decided to brew chang'aa despite the ridicule and single-handedly led the family after the death of my father two weeks to my KCPE.

As a family we look back at her selflessness and brave choices despite being illiterate and we celebrate her.

That's my heroine.

A woman who didn't grab anybody's land, steal from public coffers, misrappropriated Sacco cash, nor connive to shed anybody's blood.

A woman who, with bare hands chose education for us and put herself in danger from KANU youth wingers and insensitive provincial administrators to educate us.

Someone who fought squalor using nothing more than sheer determination. That is heroism. For to beat poverty and deprivation requires skill, stealth, persistence and perseverance. She has a steel heart, that woman.

This goes to the many other strugglers out there who combat poverty without fear, and make it. Those are heroes, people who fight the humongous monster called poverty without stealing.

My heart is too expensive a piece of "real estate" to waste on glorifying petty thieves, drug barons, mercenaries and others as heroes. I'd rather keep that portion unoccupied than defile it.

May be we should start another word like shero or gero for excellent thieves who deserve praise and recognition. Leave hero for what it is. Heroes need not ride hero limousines or fly in choppers purchased using questionable money.

They can be ordinary mguu tupus who are doing their thing and living life with honour. No pomp. No drama.

Mother gave us education as a potent weapon against poverty.

Iwe keny chebo Surtan.

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Iwaalkeei Nondiindoni Kot ingwaal

In Praise of the Nandi gaa Kaburwo.
Ano anee Cheptabach ak Miso
Sineet nebo Mugeenge
Muren nebo Nandi. A Nandi warrior clad in military gear

Kiboo Kapkeben gaa
Kain bo arap Marigi
Kimenye Kigirgei Chesombe
Asi itopen Soiin lakwap boiyoo
Samitui Chelemei
Kiboo rekto bei, kotook tuk
Nandiekab kibosei
Chekibasei Kibuunet ak Mariich
Koboschi koiba Masaamba
Asi ko sich Chumeek che keweel kou Maleel
Kipsalbei che kii sal Chemuruk ak Kundoos
Asi ko sich Kipkoimet chebo tech teget eng' Keteng'
Kiboo Kaplelach chebo Tumoge
Kip raany tuga ko toorus
Kaplelach chemii chego moo, chebo kon'geeta
Mwokto ma eng Kiptuui kot kou buun.
Kiboo Kendi Booi chebo arap Cheriige

Che kii itaguur eng Koiloot ak Cheboror
Kap kosaas, Cheululutab arap Chemalan
Ak bulbulen eng Lolkireny
Si ko loong' ko ba Nyangusei, arap Chemurmet

Kiboo Nyanyi gogo ak Tabusuyee
Ibatu ng'oo keny

Kiboo kap koo kirgiir tich,
Komach sugutek eng Keben
Kor bo arap Indalut ak Cheptum
Kiboo Saweyekab ma rar ma nebo Kipsobooi
Ta bet kii kweny maat ako beet.
Kiboo Kong'eeluk
Che ingebaree tuga bun komi tai
Kiboo Kabiyet tuui suswoo,
Ak Chepterwai ng'waan koriis ako tioony muren
Ne kireker tulwop Kamoobir eng Sarura
Ak ko abuch long'eet koro Sooi
Kiboo Chebarbar sumbarar
Ak Kin'gwaal ne kii ng'waal Baraton ak Amai
Kiboo Chepterit Muraaria ak Kapkobiis
Kii bo Tindireet Chebuusia
Ne muguul ket mambuli
Ne ngo liel kee kool bai
Metrological station nebo Nandi
Kiboo Ndalat ak Kaigaat
Tabsagoi, kap lany lugeet tulwet ak koyaanda
Kiboo Sereem chemugon
Ole amei tuga sasuurek
Tabet nyalil wee arap Bar Sombeto
Kiboo Chesaabit ak Meego
Ki boo Nandi gaa ki buul keny
Ole ingo luul ket koitei simamik Kipsigiis
Ne kii ibesio Kipchoria
Eng Tindiretnyoo ne ngoo liel kee kool bai
Kiboo Nandi iman,
Nandi chebo butwoo
Chebo tebee koi

To be a Bitcoinnaire: either buy or mine

There are two ways to become a Bitcoinnaire
1. Buy (quick and easy). I'd not advise if the costs are a barrier
2. Mine or "dig", like mining or digging for precious stones.
To mine, you can do it in one of several ways
  1. Use your computer. It requires setup and guzzles up energy. Lots of it. You can't switch it off since several computers are solving a complex mathematical equation which when assembled provide authentication and timestamp for a coin. Miners earn about 10% of the value
  2. You can use your smartphone. Similar to 1 above.
  3. My preferred option is to rent a miner. Some companies, my preferred is a German dude with acres of servers in Iceland, rent out CPU for a fee. Visit them at
  4. Kipsigaa is also an option. These are thieves who break into safes and vaults through hacking and steal.
Choose what's convenient for you!

Please note.
When you choose to mine, you can only mine one crypto at a time. Literally, you couldn't dig for gold and copper simultaneously. It's either or.

If you're interested in buying, read my simplified guide on my other post

Saturday, 16 December 2017

How I invest in multiple Cryptocurrencies

You're probably familiar with the currency rave reviews that cryptocurrencies have received.

I'm not the type to be left behind.

So I'm invested in that excitement.

But cautiously.

I'm careful to exercise caution while not denying myself the opportunity to explore.

My advise?

Don't go take a bank loan or a mortgage yet.

It's a volatile and risky investment.

Yet it's worth giving it a try.

How do I do it?

There are several models.
1. You may select a wallet which is separate from the purchasing platform. e.g. Jaxx. 

For this you need a Broker (cum wallet) like with that you need a bit of effort.

2. My preferred method is which has an android and iOS app by a similar name.

I prefer Coinbase because it's both a broker and a wallet with an additional vault to store your purchases.

Set yourself up.  Register with a trusted email. If on computer, use Chrome.

Confirm your email address and your phone.

Set up authenticator (download Google Authenticator, for example).

Verify yourself with either passport, driving licence or ID.

You're likely to encounter verification hiccups because they seem to have problems handling the volume of traffic.

In order to get a clear shot, I scanned my documents using Office Lens, a Microsoft product which snaps clear documents exactly by the edge.

Once you're setup, and verified, add your payment method.

A credit card would do. There's a limit, which is good to prevent excitement.

On their app you view your purchases in real-time, can purchase or create alerts (if price is below or above a certain value you're prompted).

The beauty is that with Coinbase I can purchase Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum in one place.

And I view my portfolios in one place. 

Another advantage is that because of an inbuilt functionality I can switch currencies to view my portfolios in KShs, USD or Euro.

To buy, I always wait for drops to a certain percentage, then snap up some small bits. 

No need for panic buying.

Even 10€ worth is doable.

Build your portfolio at your pace.

Enjoy your purchases.

I hope this helps!

Thursday, 14 December 2017

In preparing for Interviews I always want to BE ME, be authentic

Being Me. Authentic, uniquely me and avoiding the faked image.

Four years today, I was taking the second interview for my what was to be an exciting time at Mars Petcare. The picture on the left was taken shortly after I was hired, in Dec 2014.

In preparation, I had watched a lot of videos on "how to prepare for your job interview" and I also read a lot of content on interview prep and how to answer questions in a way that gets you hired. I watched a lot of useful videos on "Preparation for an Assessment Centre" etc. All very useful. I watched videos on how to prepare for an interview in a German company since I was going to take my interview in Germany.

I saw all the tips on dress code (avoid white shirts, black suits and red ties unless you are interviewing for a "power" position, I was advised). I bought two or three pairs of shoes. A lot of prep on dress. Finally I settled on All Blue. My lovely colour.

I watched videos on Table Manners and how to use cutlery. I mean, I was going to have dinner with my VP and I needed to eat like a future manager!

After reading all that, I made a decision.

I wanted to BE ME. To present myself in MY WAY and not be a copycat. Yet I had to ensure that I stayed on message to answer the questions like "who are you" and "what do you bring to this role".

This is what a lot of people face each day. As a teacher and someone with a "Sunshine Profile", I would die of boredom if I were put through interviews where people have to present themselves in the self same style.

I love variety. And that means I look out for authenticity, no two people are similar. So I am afraid that I am a proponent of being self, unique.

I always see people get coached on business case preparation. How to use PESTLE (do you know this) and sticking to a SWOT analysis. But I always wonder: If ALL of us did that, what brings out the difference in us? Is it then down to the quality of the coach? If you are over coached (if there is something like that), when do you bring out the unique you?

So, in my case, I always go for the Cheison way. The BE ME way.

When I am asked to "introduce yourself", I go for an infographic (below is my "frozen" infographic that has become a useful way for me to answer the question above.

Try do an infographic for yourself and in powerpoint animate it. That is very powerful, and I found it worked in more than interviews that I have had at work. Images tell what you can't tell in 1000 words.

Best of luck in BEING YOU!
An Infographic to answer the interview question "About Me"

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Success, whatever it is, is NOT the absence of failure.


I've conditioned my mind to take the word "fail" differently. 

In my academic and social life, I've tried many things and failed. 

Miserably in others. 

But I learnt over time that I was never a failure just because I failed to get that first job I applied to. 

I applied for postgraduate studies. 

Got admitted in some. 

But I couldn't raise the fees. 

I applied for that scholarship to finance it. 

I couldn't get it. 

I failed. 

 After university, I applied for a dozen of jobs. 


After my MSc I applied to be a lecturer in my former university. 


After my postdoc I applied for several jobs. 


If I had kept a catalogue of failures, they'd overwhelm me. 

From an early age I learnt something crucial. 


 That undying spirit that tells you that missing it this time is not the end of everything. 

And then I picked an important learning. 

Never fail, then fail to LEARN from failure! 

In other words, failure is an incredible tutor. 

Failure is a powerful mentor. 

Only catch. 

Learn from its wisdom. 

Pick lessons from every missed opportunity. 

Learn something from that which you did not get. 

Learn how not to fail from failure itself. 

So, whereas I fail many times I've programmed myself to not fail to capture the key learnings each time.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Proverbs and Wise saying of my People: The Nandi of Kenya

The wealth of a language is measured in the amount of wisdom stored in proverbs and wise sayings. Over time, I have grown so fond of the wisdom of my mother language (Nandi) and I would like to document for posterity the proverbs and wise sayings of the language I love and help promote its wider usage.

This collection is in no way exhaustive. Neither is it my exclusive piece of writing. Some of these gems have been captured by my sister-in-law, Dr. Rose Cheptoo Ruto. Other pieces of writings are scattered all over and I seek to collect them in a single depository. Right here in this blog.

In my knowledge of the Nandi language, the proverbs may be classified into those that "warn/advise" AGAINST and those that "encourage" one to DO.

To understand this, one needs to appreciate the Nandi grammar. The language is very rich. The Nandi grammar is built around a fluid interchange between the VSO or VOS (Verb, Object, Subject). Furthermore, Nandi is one of a few languages that has what would be called "directional verbs", those verbs that tell the direction of action.

Now, back to the negation. "ma(at)" is used as a general negation in Nandi. It also represents the "negative singular". Other forms are "mee", "moo (plural form)". A number of proverbs which caution against doing something are built around this etymology.

Nandi proverbs are built around many central themes. The underlying concept is promotion of the community and social responsibility. Some proverbs are animal-centred, mainly around the cow (a very important animal to the Nandi economy). Others are centred around the cosmos. Some are built around taboos.


Akot ngo samis muria kobo koot ne bo

 Even if a rat is "bad (rotten)", it belongs where it belongs. I other words, no "bad" can disqualify one from belonging to "own" family. 

Ma ki namei beny biriir buch
This one translates to "One can't hold (or touch) a piece of (red) meat "just like that". Ideally, it implies that if you participate in doing something, you need to share in its rewards. In the case of meat, since most people slaughtered their own animals, they needed help to skin the animal. If a neighbour passed by and helped hold the animal while the owner is skinning it, that neighbour who has "held" (or touched) the "meat" must be given a piece of it!
Ma kii ndoee sogoldai
Sogoldai (pl Sogoldaiik) is the Nandi word for spy or a reconnaissance troop. This is a classical "warning" which translates to either one of these two meanings. First "You MUST never go ahead/preceed ahead/in front of the advance/reconnaissance/spy team" .

In times of war, the Nandi arranged themselves into an advance team of spies. Once the advance team presented a credible report on the knowledge of the "enemy" weaknesses and strengths, the army would then advance. You would have a raid arranged in three battalions: The advance or swift troops made of tactical combatants, the huge "visible" army called "Oltimdo" and the tail army of cleaners who secure the rear end.

This proverb therefore calls for caution, kind of saying don't rush to things you know little about. Learn and survey first, investigate and analysis the SWOT etc. It calls for patience and calculation.

Nda ngee baei Kipkeelat kee baitooi nebo mununwo

...To be continued....

Scholarships in US & Canada (Mathew Birgen, Gilbert Kiprop & Maria Chemeli Sang)

SECTION 1.  Mathew: Theme - Graduate Schools in Canada (Social Sciences & Humanities)  ·         Choosing a program in graduate s...